Einfach Interkulturell Rumänien: Learn about the culture of the JCI EC host 2023! am 26.01.2023

Digital (meeting link in text)
19:00 - 21:00
Anmeldeschluss: 25.01.2023

Buna ziua Jaycees from Berlin!

We are honoured that JCI Berlin got invited by JCI Bucharest for an online training in Romanian culture!

As the training is digital anyway, we decided to open the event up to JCI Germany and be the co-host of the evening.

The cultural training could be among other things, useful for the European Conference in Bucharest in 2023.

In a world where the only constant is change, how can one create a sustainable business or work environment? How can we turn the odds in our favour no matter the circumstances?

As a player in today’s economy and business world you know exactly how uncertainty feels, you’ve lived in the past years to the fullest and you maybe still trying to figure out how to be ready for the future.

We are ready to tackle a new era, with an ever changing, new business.

2023 JCI European Conference​: Europe’s Largest JCI Event. New Era. New business.

24-27th May 2023 Bucharest, Romania:  https://www.ec2023bucharest.com/


Programme of January 26th:

19:00 Learn about the EC 2023 by Irina Botnari - English

19:30 Training on Romanian culture by Alexandra Botos - German

20:30 Networking

21:00 End


Meeting Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88612597543?pwd=OFNWeFRiTUZ3aCs0Y3drYjNBaTFUdz09

Photo Credit: https://www.ec2023bucharest.com/romania/


Romanian food (not mandatory)

While you learn about the Romanian culture, you also want to experience it? No worries, you can prepare an easy Romanian dessert before the meeting starts and enjoy it during the meeting.

To make it a little bit more fun for everybody, we do not share the name of it, just the instructions. So everybody can share pictures of their culinary end results during the meeting.



250 g plain biscuits

250 g sugar

100 g butter

50 g cocoa powder

120 ml milk

120 g raisins

rum extract to taste

powdered/ icing sugar



1. Boil 60ml milk and the sugar in a saucepan into a syrup, then add the butter. Stir to melt it.

2. Dissolve the cocoa powder in the remaining milk, stir into the buttercream and bring to a boil.

3. Crumble the biscuits, put them in a bowl with the raisins and pour the hot syrup and rum essence over them. Stir.

4. Sprinkle a layer of powdered sugar on a baking sheet and put the biscuit mass on top. Roll up into a roll that is tight at the ends. Place in the fridge, preferably overnight



Veranstaltet von:
Interkulturelles Miteinander
Stephanie Bräuer